Making or Faking Chinatown?
Representing People, PLace & Culture
地方創生與維護: 華埠的人, 地方和文化的力量
Co-Curator with Yin Kong
New York, NY
Exhibition: May 2024
Co-curator of an exhibition exploring staged and authentic cultural production in Chinatown. As the city’s Economic Development Corporation moves forward with a plan for a gateway in Kimlau Square, our research and exhibition contextualizes past and present efforts to represent culture in all its complexity in the built environment.
With support from the Van Alen Insitute’s Design Sprints program, and the design and urbanism braintrust of Pentagram, Fu Wilmers Design | A+U, and Farzana Gandhi Design Studio.
Kimlau Paifang in Kimlau Square, Poy Gum Lee, 1960. Image Copyright Mark Bussell