“From the Lung Block to the China Virus: Public Health, Xenophobia and American Identity Formation over the American Century” (chapter)

Stefano Morello and Kerri Culhane, in Public Health and the American Century, Giles Scott-Smith, Gaetano Di Tomasso, Dario Fazzi, eds. (Edinburgh University Press, 2024): 68-86

“The Decorated Tenement” (Book Review)

Zachary J. Violette. The Decorated Tenement: How Immigrant Builders and Architects Transformed the Slum in the Gilded Age. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Winterthur Portfolio 55:1 (Spring 2021): 71-73

“Chinese Buildings” in Chinatown (Blog Post)

For the Record, NYC Department of Information Services (November 19, 2021)

“From China to Chinatown: Poy Gum Lee and the Politics of Self-Representation, 1945-1960” (article)

Architecture Beyond Europe 19 (2020) |

Windows on the Bowery: 400 Years on New York’s Oldest Street (Book)

Contributing author. Bowery Alliance of Neighbors (2020)

Windows on the Bowery (Interpretive Signage)

Bowery Alliance of Neighbors, Cooper Union (2019)

West 69th Street Transfer Bridge (Interpretive Signage)

Riverside Park South | New York, NY | NYC Parks, Karen Bausman + Associates, Pentagram (2017)


“A Tale of Two Bridges”(Article)

Kerri Culhane + Molly Garfinkel | LA+ Journal: Identity | Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture (Spring 2017)


Chinese Style: Rediscovering the Architecture of Poy Gum Lee, 1923-1968 (Exhibition Essay)

Museum of Chinese in America (September 2015-May 2016)

“Making Connections” (article)

Planning for Green Infrastructure in Two Bridges | Urban Omnibus | The Architectural League (August 8, 2012)


The Significance of 35 Cooper Square (article)

The Local East Village (March 15, 2011)


What Providence Has So Well Prepared: A Past and Present along the Champlain Canal (Book)

Lakes to Locks Passage, Inc. & National Park Service Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor (2008)


The Fifth Avenue of RichmonD (Masters Thesis)

The Development of the 800 and 900 Blocks of West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia, 1855-1925 | Virginia Commonwealth University (1997)